Nanny in Oranienbaum

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Toufik C.
  • Ab 14 /h
  • Oranienbaum
chennani toufik(toutou)
| I’m 25 years old and have just finished my dégrée in psychloge. I am looking to develop other skills to work in Psychological counseling and guidance. I really enjoyed being the president of the debating society, which helped me to construct arguments from different points of view. I also met many interesting people in that position. I want to learn on the job, which is why I’d like to work
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  • Ab 14 /h
  • Oranienbaum
chennani toufik(toutou)
| I’m 25 years old and have just finished my dégrée in psychloge. I am looking to develop other skills to work in Psychological counseling and guidance. I really enjoyed being the president of the debating society, which helped me to construct arguments from different points of view. I also met many interesting people in that position. I want to learn on the job, which is why I’d like to work
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