Nanny in Leipziger Vorstadt

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Anna i.
  • Ab 10 /h
  • Leipziger Vorstadt
| Hi, I am Anna from Barcelona and I am going to make an art residency in Leipzig from the 1st of April to the 27th of June 2018 (3 months). I speak English, Spanish, Catalan and French but I do not speak Germany. I worked as a babysitter in England and in Barcelona. I love to spend time with children and I am open to help for home works, late nights or any other help.
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  • Ab 10 /h
  • Leipziger Vorstadt
| Hi, I am Anna from Barcelona and I am going to make an art residency in Leipzig from the 1st of April to the 27th of June 2018 (3 months). I speak English, Spanish, Catalan and French but I do not speak Germany. I worked as a babysitter in England and in Barcelona. I love to spend time with children and I am open to help for home works, late nights or any other help.
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