Babysitter in Osterwald U. E.

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Seit 10+ Jahren vernetzen wir erfolgreich Familien und Alltagshelfer
Jane N.
  • Ab 15 /h
  • Osterwald U. E.
Children are angels from God whom i love taking care of
| My name is Jane,am a Ugandan.20years old Am very fluent in English but willing to learn other languages. I love children and know how to take good care of them with a one year experience and i have basically grown-up with children since my childhood as a first born in a family of five little siblings whom i have always loved and cared for and it has given me enough experience in child-care jobs
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  • Ab 15 /h
  • Osterwald U. E.
Children are angels from God whom i love taking care of
| My name is Jane,am a Ugandan.20years old Am very fluent in English but willing to learn other languages. I love children and know how to take good care of them with a one year experience and i have basically grown-up with children since my childhood as a first born in a family of five little siblings whom i have always loved and cared for and it has given me enough experience in child-care jobs
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