Nanny in Aichig

Nanny gesucht? Wählen Sie aus 157 Nannies & Kinderfrauen in Ihrer Nähe.

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Nathalia C.
1 Verifizierung
  • Ab 9 /h
  • Aichig
1 Verifizierung
Master´s student with experince with preschool and primary kids.
| I am Nathalia, I am a responsible, caring and loving individual, I have given classes to preschoolers and have taken care of kids. I can cook and take care of your kids and the house, I have the possiblility of giving swimming lessons if your are interested. Prices can be fixed easily, I am open to your offers. I am still learning german but I can understand it, I am fluent in English and Spanish.
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  • Ab 9 /h
  • Aichig
Master´s student with experince with preschool and primary kids.
| I am Nathalia, I am a responsible, caring and loving individual, I have given classes to preschoolers and have taken care of kids. I can cook and take care of your kids and the house, I have the possiblility of giving swimming lessons if your are interested. Prices can be fixed easily, I am open to your offers. I am still learning german but I can understand it, I am fluent in English and Spanish.
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