Dogwalker in Waldheim

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Brandon L.
  • Ab 9
  • Mitte
Why do I always want to be close to an animal? Because they are adorable!
| My life always revolved around my Husky (Tipsy), Beagle (Bingo) and my Cat (Winky)! https://###.#########.###/p/Bt23UlunVmn/ They are rescue pets who have given me all the love in the world! After coming to Germany I miss them a lot and would love to be able to offer care for your pets when you are otherwise occupied! I'm perfectly okay handling them on walks, playing with them as well as reinforcing some training if youd like! I love next to Eilenreide and that is a good spot to walk them and let them explore!
... Mehr
  • Ab 9
  • Mitte
Why do I always want to be close to an animal? Because they are adorable!
| My life always revolved around my Husky (Tipsy), Beagle (Bingo) and my Cat (Winky)! https://###.#########.###/p/Bt23UlunVmn/ They are rescue pets who have given me all the love in the world! After coming to Germany I miss them a lot and would love to be able to offer care for your pets when you are otherwise occupied! I'm perfectly okay handling them on walks, playing with them as well as reinforcing some training if youd like! I love next to Eilenreide and that is a good spot to walk them and let them explore!
... Mehr
Ab 9
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